K.I.A.- Legacy of a German soldier who fought in the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Russia.


This is an estate of the German soldier : Bernhard Teipel.
This lot includes the following items:
* 1x Wehrpass;
* 1x Certificate granting Iron Cross of the Second Class;
* 1x Certificate granting infanterie sturmabzeichen.

Bernhard went to Holland on 10 May 1940 as part of the 474th IR, which he fought his way from Noord-Brabant to the fortress of Holland. The unit fought hard battles at Mook but certainly also at Mill.

During the fighting near Mook and Mill several men of the 474th IR were killed. A total of 24 men of this regiment died during the May days. For May 1940, these terms are decent numbers for one regiment.

For deployments in the Netherlands and elsewhere, Bernard Teipel received the Infanterie Sturmabzeichen on 8 September 1940.

Bernard was born on 23 October 1913 in the town of Dolberg near Münster ( close to the Dutch border). Bernard's father died in the ( probable World War I) -1915.

Teipel made a career within the Wehrmacht. And achieved the rank of unterofficier, giving him the role of Gruppenführer during Operation Barbarossa. As can be seen on page 21. This role involved Bernhard commanding and leading a group of 9 men.

The role of Unterofficier is one of leading and setting an example. So this also meant that he took the lead in attacks and was at the forefront in dire situations. This heroic position earned him the Iron Cross 2nd Class during the fighting around Chodokasi.

Bernhard eventually died during the fighting for Pollusk (Estonia) east of the town of Mga.

In the Wehrpass the phrase : "Angriff gegen Maan-und Peelstellung und Angriff gegen die Sudfront der festung Holland" is abundantly clear.

The InfanterieSturmAbzeichen document was signed by Generalleutnant Walter Risse.
The EK2 document was signed by Walter Behschnitt who was commander of the 254th Infantry Division. This division was involved as 1 of the larger divisions that invaded the Netherlands on 10 May 1940.